Winter is truly upon us here in Melbourne, and its often a time of year where things slow down a lot for us. More time at home, and the weather being less inviting, can mean more screen time and less exercise and fresh air. I find myself needing to be more intentional about getting creative and getting outside in any weather.
Here at the Forest Folk, we decided to put together a little winter activity bucket list to get ourselves and our followers inspired! Some ideas to keep us creative, active, and learning new things.
We have included some general ideas, as well as some more detailed instructions on several activities and a winter themed colour in sheet.
Get cosy and creative with our snowflake lantern, fill the house with the delicious scents of vanilla and cinnamon with chai-spice playdough, slow-down with some mindful colouring, and continue to enjoy natures treasures by splashing in puddles, and warming your hands by a backyard fire.
To download the printable PDF click here